Set in France during the Napoleonic Wars, this lush period drama produced by Joe Wright (Atonement, Pride and Prejudice) tells the true story of Barbe-Nicole Ponsardin, the “Grande Dame of Champagne.”
At just 27 after her spouse’s untimely death, Barbe-Nicole, now named Veuve (the French word for widow) is determined to protect her family’s legacy. She sets out to boldly challenge the men - as well as the state - set on stripping her of her vineyards. Defying her critics by ultimately revolutionising the champagne industry, Madame Clicquot established herself as one of the world’s first great businesswomen.
“Portrayed with remarkable depth and nuance, emerges not merely as a grieving widow, but as a woman of relentless resolve and extraordinary vision.”
- Forbes
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