
My Order

The Courageous : UK Premiere (TBC)

The Courageous : UK Premiere

A Tyne Valley Film Festival screening.

In a small town on the edge of wild country, an eccentric and delinquent mother has had enough of the rules. Crushed by her mistakes and by a society that doesn't give a damn –or a second chance – to people like her, she'll do anything to prove to her children, and to herself, that she still is a good person.

This is a preview screening, meaning you get to see the film with us early before its general release.

Full festival listings can be found here

Please note that Forum Cinema memberships are not valid across Tyne Valley Film Festival screenings.

Please consider a Festival Pass if you are planning on attending multiple TVFF screenings, details of which can be found here.

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Book Tickets

Wednesday 26 Mar 202520:00 Book Now